Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Random stuff

So I've been a little obsessed with reading a lot of Twilight fan fic recently ...

And I found me another good one:  Iadorepugs Fanfiction.  She's awesome, and has two stories, A Stable Romance and Ride the Wind - which she just updated this weekend - so yay!

On a rather sad note, my beloved cat, Macavity is not doing so well.  I've had him for almost 19 years, since I was fourteen.  He is my boy, my everything, my kid with fur.  My mom is helping me take him to the vet on Thursday for ... you know.  I can't even talk about it - cause if I do, the reality will hit me and then I'll start crying and I won't be able to stop.  *sigh*  So if I'm not around for a few days, that's why.  Though, more than likely, I will be, because I'll need the distraction.

Also, I wanted to give a big "Hooray!!!!!!" to Jenny Jerkface and Snarkier Than You over at Twitarded - I'm so glad that whole thing with Summit got taken care of!!!  I was in your corner, girls!  :-)

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