Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mmm ... smut!

Very tired ... just got home from work and putting the girls on the bus. Eating my yummy McD's breakfast platter with hot chocolate ... it's yucky yuck yuck weather here today, rainy and cold! It looks like it's going right from a few days of nice fall weather into winter! Brrr! Work didn't go too badly last night, pretty quiet, if a bit hectic at times. I killed my downtime by reading "In the Blink of an Eye" by thatwritr - here's the link: - it's a "New Moon" AU, and an interesting spin on the whole Saga. I stayed up all night Tuesday night reading "The Office" by tby789, which is FANTASTIC!!!! It's a Twilight Saga AU - Here's the link: and I HIGHLY recommend it! I laughed, I cried, I went "awww" on more than one occasion. She hasn't finished it yet, but I'm hoping she comes out with the next chapter ASAP, because I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what's going to happen. She's promised a happy ending, but with bumps along the way. Gaahhhh! I do enjoy me some smutty smut smut and *whew*!!! *fans self* It is amazing! I'm off to read more smutty goodness, and then take a nap before the kiddles get home.

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